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10 Essential Cycling Tips for Tourists in Amsterdam

Cycling is the heart and soul of Amsterdam. With over 800,000 bikes in the city, it’s no surprise that locals and tourists prefer this eco-friendly, easy, and fun way to travel. Biking gives you the freedom to explore at your own pace.

As a tourist, riding a bike allows you to experience Amsterdam’s iconic canals, parks, and historic neighborhoods up close. You can take in the sights while enjoying the local culture like a true Amsterdamer. But before you set off, there are a few things you should know.

This guide will give you ten essential cycling tips to make your ride in Amsterdam safe, enjoyable, and unforgettable. Let’s dive into the must know cycling tips

Essential Cycling Tips for Tourists in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is designed with cyclists in mind. Most streets have dedicated bike lanes, known as “fietspaden,” marked by red pavement. These lanes are for bikes only, making them the safest place to ride. As a tourist, staying in these bike lanes is important to avoid accidents with cars and pedestrians. Plus, it helps keep traffic flowing smoothly. Be mindful of one-way lanes and always follow the direction of travel.

You can easily spot bike lanes by looking for the bicycle symbols painted on the ground. When in doubt, follow other cyclists—they’ll most likely be riding in the designated areas.

Pro Tip: Stay alert for bikes coming from both directions, especially in busy areas.

Amsterdam’s streets are shared by cyclists, pedestrians, and cars, so it’s crucial to stay aware of your surroundings at all times. As a cyclist, you are expected to give way to pedestrians at crosswalks, but many tourists are unaware of cycling rules and may accidentally step into bike lanes. To avoid accidents, keep a safe distance from pedestrians, and don’t hesitate to ring your bell to signal your presence.

Similarly, cars and trams also operate on some roads, especially in the city centre. While cars in Amsterdam usually respect cyclists, it’s still essential to stay vigilant, especially at intersections where traffic may be heavier. Look for turning vehicles, and remember to signal your intentions.

Amsterdam’s iconic trams are essential to the city’s public transport system, but they can pose a challenge for cyclists. Tram tracks often run parallel to or intersect with bike lanes. Cross the tram tracks at a slight angle if you don’t want your wheels to get stuck in the lines.

Another tip is to always look both ways before crossing tram lines, especially in busy areas. While trams have dedicated lanes, they often share roads with cyclists and pedestrians. And remember, trams cannot stop quickly, so give them plenty of space.

Cycling in Amsterdam is enjoyable, but it’s important to obey the rules of the road to ensure everyone’s safety. Just like cars, cyclists must follow traffic signals, stop at red lights, and use hand signals when turning or changing lanes. In Amsterdam, cyclists are expected to stop for pedestrians at zebra crossings, and failure to do so can result in fines.

Some key rules to remember include:

  • Red lights mean stop – Even if you see locals rushing through, it’s best to follow the rules.
  • Use hand signals – Extend your left arm to turn left and your right arm to turn right.
  • No cycling on the sidewalk – Stick to the bike lanes or shared roads.

Amsterdam’s roads are heavily policed, and you could be fined for breaking traffic rules, such as riding through red lights or cycling under the influence of alcohol. So, follow these cycling tips and keep things safe and legal.

It’s easy to rent a bike if you don’t have your own. Amsterdam has many bike rental shops, but the quickest way to get a bike is by using an app. Many apps allow you to rent a bike for as long as you need, from just a few hours to a full week.

At Breezy Tracks, we offer an easy way to rent a Fat Bike that is perfect for tourists who want a sturdy, comfortable ride. Whether you want to rent a bike for a week in Amsterdam or just for a day, using a rental app will make the process faster and simpler.

Once you’ve downloaded the app, you can search for nearby rental locations, choose the type of bike you want, and pay for your rental—all from your phone. Carefully consider the feedback given by other customers and pick a bike hire company that matches your requirements and price range.  You’ll also want to check if the bike rental includes locks and lights, essential for cycling in Amsterdam.

Amsterdam is a fantastic city for exploring by bike, but it helps to plan your route ahead of time. Using an Amsterdam cycle routes map or an app like Google Maps will show you the best cycling paths and help you avoid busy areas. Popular cycling routes include rides through Vondelpark, along the canals, and out to the beautiful countryside.

If you’re feeling adventurous, plenty of cycle routes from Amsterdam lead to nearby towns and attractions. You can take a scenic ride to Zaanse Schans, a traditional Dutch village known for its windmills, or cycle to the beautiful beaches of Zandvoort.

Planning your route is especially important if you’re cycling in Amsterdam with kids. Look for quieter streets and parks where your children can ride safely without the hustle and bustle of city traffic.

You can rent a bike from a lot of different places.  You can rent a regular bike, a cargo bike, or even an electric bike if you want an easier ride. If you’re travelling with a lot of luggage or children, a cargo bike is an excellent option because it provides extra space for bags or small passengers.

For those who want a more leisurely ride, renting an electric bike can make cycling through Amsterdam a breeze. If you know how to ride a bike well, you can take a road bike for longer trips outside town. Breezy Tracks offers different types of bikes to suit your needs, including our popular Fat Bikes, which are perfect for cycling in Amsterdam’s sometimes bumpy streets.

Unfortunately, bike theft is popular in Amsterdam, so it’s important to be careful when you leave your bike alone. Most bike rental companies, including Breezy Tracks, provide a sturdy lock with every rental.Make sure that both the frame and the wheel are locked to a safe bike rack. If you don’t want your bike to be stolen, try to park it in a busy, well-lit place.

Some spots around the city have free or paid bike parking stations that offer extra security, so use them when possible. And never leave your bike unlocked, even for a short time—it only takes a few seconds for an unlocked bike to be taken.

For those who want to explore Amsterdam’s hidden gems with the help of a local guide, joining a bike tour is a fantastic option. Many companies offer guided bike tours around the city, taking you through famous spots like the Jordaan district, Museumplein, and De Pijp. Bike tours are great for tourists who want to learn more about the city’s history while experiencing it on two wheels.

These tours are also ideal for first-time visitors, as the guides will ensure you follow the best cycle routes and avoid confusing streets. They will also tell you about the best shops, bars, and cafes to stop at along the way.

Cycling in Amsterdam can involve a lot of pedaling, so wearing comfortable clothes is important. You should bring a light jacket or raincoat if the weather in Amsterdam changes quickly. Wear comfortable shoes, and if you’re cycling for a long time, consider wearing padded shorts for extra comfort.

For those cycling in colder months, gloves and a scarf can make your ride much more comfortable. If you want to ride your bike for a few hours or go on longer trips outside the city, remember to bring along water and snacks and follow all the mentioned cycling tips.


Cycling in Amsterdam is one of the best ways to experience this beautiful and bike-friendly city. From its charming streets to scenic routes outside the city, cycling lets you explore at your own pace. By following these essential cycling tips, you’ll be well-prepared for an amazing biking adventure in Amsterdam.

Ready to rent a bike and explore Amsterdam like a local? At Breezy Tracks, we offer Fat Bikes for tourists that are perfect for navigating Amsterdam’s streets and beyond. Our bikes are perfect for people who are staying for one day, a week, or even longer. Book now and start your Amsterdam cycling journey with Breezy Tracks.


Yes! Renting a bike is one of the best ways to explore Amsterdam. It allows you to go anywhere and see the city like a local.

The cost to rent a bike in Amsterdam varies depending on the type and duration of the rental. You can rent a bike for a day, a week, or even a month. At Breezy Tracks, we offer competitive prices for Fat Bike rentals.

Absolutely. Many bike rental shops, including Breezy Tracks, offer weekly rentals. This is a great option if you plan to explore the city for several days.

Yes, cycling in Amsterdam is very safe for families with kids. The city is designed with cycling in mind, and there are many bike-friendly routes and lanes. Renting a cargo bike is a great option for families with young children. It provides extra space and safety features, allowing you to carry your kids comfortably and securely.

There are many fantastic cycle routes you can take from Amsterdam. Use a cycling app or a map to find routes that suit your interests. Popular options include rides to Zaanse Schans to see traditional Dutch windmills or cycling to Haarlem for a charming Dutch city experience. For a scenic route, consider biking through the Amsterdamse Bos, a large park with beautiful trails.

Bike rental services are widely available throughout Amsterdam. Rental apps allow you to find rental shops in major tourist areas, train stations, and online. For a hassle-free experience, consider renting from Breezy Tracks, where you can book your Fat Bike and get helpful recommendations for exploring the city.

Ready to hit the streets of Amsterdam? Visit Breezy Tracks today to book your perfect bike rental and start your cycling adventure with ease. Explore the city like never before—on two wheels.